Thursday, February 6, 2014

What is life without friends?

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils.  
Strive to have friends...for life without friends is like life on a desert find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

Today was probably the highlight of our trip so least for me.  The day after we got connected to the internet down here, I happened to be scrolling Facebook, and saw a cruise schedule for the next week that an old friend was going on.  I hadn't seen her in 25 years.  As it turned out, she was traveling with her parents (my parents' dearest friends), her sister Darla and brother Greg (a childhood friend who I grew up with).  One of the stops of their cruise was Roatan, Honduras.  When I saw that I literally yelled out, "No Way!"  I quickly contacted her and let her know we were down here and we would love to see them on their stop.

Well, we picked up the Shumway family this morning at the boat dock, and had a most wonderful day sightseeing and reminiscing with them.  First we went up to the top of the island where we found some great local artisans selling their wears.  What a beautiful view of the ocean.

Then we headed over to "West Bay", which is the primo beach on the island...but very touristy...and a very windy road with a plethora of potholes.  Needless to say, there were a few upset stomachs by the time we got to the beach.  But the powder white sand and crystal blue water did not disappoint.

Then it was off to eat at a local Tex Mex place..."Tacos Al Pastor".  Yum Yum, delish.  All the while, Gary Shumway entertained with stories of adventure and the time he took our young men's group down to La Paz, Mexico.  He loved telling how our 14 year old group, who had been State Champions in church basketball, got schooled by a bunch of primary aged Mexican girls.  I remembered them being very tall, and very fast.  I knew the story had gotten taller over the years when Sandy Shumway said, "Gary's favorite quote in life is:  "I always try to leave a story a little better than I found it."  I will never forget that...words to live by!! 

While we were getting back in the van a little boy came up to the car, selling his wears.  He had the saddest puppy dog eyes and droopy bottom lip as he said, "please buy something, my family is hungry."  I got the impression that this face had worked with many a tourist, because as soon as we bought something it went from this...

To this:

He had the most beautiful smile, and everyone agreed that the smile he gave us was well worth the investment.  As he walked away, he shot us another million dollar smile as his face lit up....probably all the while thinking, " every time."  haha.  The kids are absolutely beautiful here, and always so happy and laughing...despite the fact that they have very little.  We love them.

Then it was back to our house to relax in some hammocks and lounge chairs, sip on some sodas and enjoy each other's company.  Before we knew it, they had to get back to the ship.  What a beautiful day spent with beautiful people.  We love, love, LOVE this family!!  Hopefully it won't be another 25 years before we see them again.  :-)  Bon Voyage Shumways...

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